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اسقف مطابخ وارجات مطابخ

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The relationship between the pyramids of the Egyptians and the pyramids in the rest of the world5

Most people think that the pyramids are in Egypt only, but they are in almost all countries of the world but the most famous pyramids of Egypt. The countries that have pyramids are Egypt, Algeria, China, India, Peru, Mexico, Ireland, Bolivia, Mississippi and America. Pyramids, some of which date back to pre-Pharaonic times, are found under sea water near the island of Bari in the Bahá'í archipelago. A strange civilization with pyramids that differ in shape from the pyramids of Giza. Just five years ago, satellites and Google discovered huge pyramids in northern China, Sand is meaningless. Prior to that, similar pyramids were discovered in Ireland, Venezuela and Chad, and in Sudan north of Khartoum, which in time has turned into a plateau.  Do we think that all the civilizations in the world are pyramids, where the kings are buried? Our thought is that we will make sure that all the pyramids have one belief not only in the way they are built hierarchically, but that they need